Educational Tours and Outings

Educational Tours and Outings:
For the all-around development of the students and to increase their knowledge as well as awareness, they are taken out on picnics, Educational Tour and visits to the places of importance as per the syllabus under the guidance and supervision of the teachers are also arranged from time to time. 

1. Pre- Primary Wing's visit to ICICI Bank: The students of Pre- Primary wing got a chance to visit the ICICI bank. Getting to grips with the idea of monetary value and the different denominations of banknotes is one of the financial lessons we aimed at while taking our children for a visit to the bank. 
The students learned about working the ATM machine. The ATM room had two close circuit cameras and a guard. They learned how to swipe the card and enter the PIN and also became aware of how important it is to safeguard the PIN. From there, the students were taken to the main office. In the main office, there were four counters -cash counter, passbook counter, inquiry counter, and deposit counter. The manager of the bank had a separate cabin with the access to view each activity of the bank through the camera and the T.V. installed in his cabin. There was a guard, who was specially trained for guarding the bank.
They also got acquainted with opening the bank accounts, filing pay-in slips to deposit money, withdrawal of money through cheque. They were very curious to kn
ow how and where the money is stored and how the ATM machines are refilled. The bank staff were quite helpful and provided the little Sunrisians with some practical and hands-on knowledge of basic functionalities. Overall, it was a knowledgeable trip.


"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people. ~ Virginia Woolf "